Engineers are generally the key to any company’s material handling processes, whether you need to improve First Time Fix Rates (FTFRs), reduce parts inventory, shorten delivery time, lower overall handling costs in manufacturing, distribution and transportation; Service Geeni helps you track and achieve your service goals.
Using intelligent scheduling to assign appropriately skilled Engineers to both planned maintenance and reactive jobs. Equipping teams with mobile devices, with access to complete asset and job history. Enabling bespoke job sheets, including bespoke processes and forms for Thorough Examinations to reduce administration and make compliance easy. Integrating seamlessly with global parts suppliers so you always have the correct items for each job. Service Geeni Materials Handling Edition is developed to meet and exceed the ever-changing demands of the materials handling industry.
You're in good company

Is it time to consider switching supplier?
We’ve heard it before, we’ve partnered with them for years, they know our business.
We get it because we value long-term relationships with our customers too. But when your provider offers you an upgrade of your service management software, don’t just follow them blindly. It’s an ideal time to see how technology has evolved; to understand what benefits you will get from your existing supplier compared to others. Only then do you know whether you should stay or go.
When it comes to your service management upgrade, loyalty goes both ways…
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Issue Job Sheets & Invoices Automatically
Once work is completed and approved, documentation and certificates can be automatically emailed to relevant stakeholders, reducing administration and ensuring your customers are never left waiting for you.

Mobile Software
Gives Engineers access to full site history, equipment registers and service job sheets when working remotely. Receiving planned maintenance and reactive schedules and emergency job updates on the move. Inputting data quickly and accurately on the job, removing boring paperwork, reducing back-office duplication, ensuring invoices can be issued in good time.

PPM Contract Management
Enables accurate planning of maintenance visits in accordance with SLAs, agreed work and compliance testing, so you never miss a test, let a customer down, or miss out on a billing opportunity. Make tracking profitability by contract / customer is easy with standardised reporting based on data engineers input on the job.

Scheduling is all about getting the right engineer to the right place at the right time with the right parts to increase First Time Fix Rates. Service Geeni service management software increases the number of jobs your engineers can complete in a day, reducing second visits to complete work, enhancing productivity and revenue.

Seamless Integration with 3rd Party Applications
From Accountancy Software, CRM applications to Global ERP systems. Service Geeni’s partnership with Jitterbit enables integrations without bespoke coding, making the transfer of information between systems easy and seamless, removing duplication, and fast-tracking process improvements without compromise.

Self-Service Reporting
Self-Service Reporting means you can create your own reports, right down to each field you want to see on each report, so you only generate accurate, meaningful, real-time data that’s worth your attention, data that you can trust, and use to make sound business decisions.

Stock Control
Matches parts requirements to inventory levels to ensure the right materials handling parts are purchased just in time and available for every job, tracking goods received before allocating work to Engineers.

Thorough Examinations
Remove the administrative burden of Thorough Examinations using a Service Geeni bolt-on developed with CFTS, which guides Engineers through the testing process, capturing all the required information in the correct format, improving accuracy and ensuring Health and Safety compliance.

TVH Integration
means you can seamlessly create a Purchase Order for parts and push it directly into the TVH online parts ordering portal, managing inventory intelligently see video