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How to improve engineer productivity
Every time you reduce or remove non-engineering tasks from your engineers you improve their productivity.
Reducing office/depot visits because you can track where they are, job progress and receive updates in real-time, means they have more time for customer service visits and you have confidence they are doing things correctly. Scheduling their day efficiently with locations and route planning in mind gives them more time on the job and less time on the road.
Managing inventory in conjunction with planned visits means you can ensure parts are available and consolidate collections, reducing the amount of time engineers waste, collecting parts, reducing travel costs and increasing productivity.
Reduce administration by setting up bespoke forms and checklists for engineers, contracts and jobs. Checklists minimise the need for repeat visits. Remove the admin headache and improve data accuracy by completing mobile forms in the field.
How to improve reporting accuracy
Reporting accuracy is always based on the data that goes into the system. Engineers completing paperwork, and administrators updating spreadsheets all lead to inaccuracies. When data is inputted by the relevant person at the time it occurs i.e. by the engineer on the job, in a controlled manner, then accuracy increases significantly. Resulting in meaningful real-time data in a uniform format for easy comparison and analysis. Because if you aren’t comparing apples with apples you won’t trust your data.
Capturing accurate data in a pre-agreed format directly from the field is essential. It allows for easy analysis for Service Managers without advanced analytical skills, gives great visibility and develops trust in the data so it can be used for informed decision-making. Because good reporting should always lead to actioning improvements. Improved reporting accuracy enables businesses to be agile, responding to changes for maximum effect.
Contracts knowing your costs, performance & profits
Your biggest contract isn’t always your most profitable. Knowing contract costs, performance and profits is key to delivering a good service, developing effective customer relationships and accurately pricing renewals.
Demanding contract customers may incur more visits that could be improved with better communication and planned preventative maintenance. For example, scheduling planned maintenance visits during their off-peak months could reduce emergency call-outs in peak times. In turn, improving customer satisfaction and reducing overall servicing costs. Without accurate contract information and intelligent analysis, you can’t influence efficiency and profitability and chances are if it’s not working for you, then it won’t be working well for your contract customers either.
How to reduce admin duplication
Enter data once, do so correctly and enable controlled access to the data by those who need it. Sounds simple but most service organisations still duplicate administration and this is a complete waste of time and efficiency that you and your customer are paying for unnecessarily.
Service Geeni removes duplication of data entry, enabling field operatives to input data once, with standard fields that reduce inputting time and makes data uniform. Automating standard tasks and analysis reduces both time and errors from your processes. Giving each department real-time visibility of the data they need automatically. Freeing up your people to apply themselves to work that adds value.
How to improve First Time Fix Rates
First Time Fix Rate (FTFR) is a key performance measure service organisations track and work on to improve performance and profitability.
Improving First Time Fix Rates requires maximum visibility and control over, engineer skill levels and experience and equipment/asset status. Meaning you know what is required before visiting site, can control inventory, allocate parts to each job and schedule enough time to complete expected tasks. Plus being able to react intelligently when emergency call-outs are required.
Service Geeni retains and updates all these data variables, with advanced scheduling and optimisation features to ensure the right engineer with the correct training and the right parts is allocated to each job – allowing enough time scheduled to successfully complete each job in full without the need for a second visit.
Giving Service Managers and planners complete visibility and control. When issues arise, service management software can automatically recalculate which engineers are available and located nearby to go to each job, so planners can adjust schedules, ensuring customer satisfaction and preventing errors, to maintain high First Time Fix Rates.
Additionally, engineers who have access to the system using mobile devices can view Asset and Job History, Process Documents, Job Sheets and Checklists, so there are no excuses. They always have the information to hand that they need to complete the work first time and in full.
Planned Preventative Maintenance
Reduce the hassle of unnecessary jobs.
Planned maintenance is both complex and time-consuming. With Service Geeni, our Preventative Maintenance (PPM) module can reduce the burden by helping you to manage this process more efficiently. Delivering improved insights, by enabling more predictive maintenance we’ll help you to save time and money.