Is it time to consider switching supplier?

By geeni_admin | 23 Feb 2022
Is it time to consider switching supplier?

We’ve heard it before, we’ve partnered with them for years, they know our business.


We get it because we value long-term relationships with my customers too. But when your provider offers you an upgrade of your service management software, don’t just follow them blindly. It’s an ideal time to see how technology has evolved; to understand what benefits you will get from your existing supplier compared to others. Only then do you know whether you should stay or go.


When it comes to your service management upgrade, loyalty goes both ways…

When you choose a service management software provider you are literally investing in them, each upgrade is a further investment of time and money. You are trusting them to deliver both improvements through regular releases (for cloud-based systems) and upgrades that make measurable improvements; to improve your first-time fix rates and deliver a tangible return on investment. So why wouldn’t you review whether this has been delivered and check out whether their recommendation is actually the best solution for your business?


They are introducing an upgrade which you know other systems have had for a while; you have to start considering how behind they are. There’s also the awful sales tactic of you’ve got to upgrade because your, soon to be old, system won’t be supported for much longer. If you’re in one of these situations then there’s no better time to have that should I stay or should I go conversation. Review what the market has to offer and choose to move to a new system. In your timescales, on your terms that will offer advanced, measurable service improvements.

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