Are you burning too much time managing sub-contractor work?
With Service Geeni, scheduling a job with a sub-contractor is as simple as allocating it to one of your own engineers. Eliminate admin and experience full transparency. Easier for you, your customers and your sub-contractors.
Book a demo to see the sub-contractor module in action!
Book a Demo of the
New Sub-contractor Module
Allocate Jobs to External Engineers
Our new sub-contractor module allows you to share job information with the subcontractor without giving them access to the full system. Simply send a link to the engineer, which they can access on any device.
Have Visibility of Job Status
The sub-contracted engineer can feedback live status updates, job notes, images, and complete any forms attached to that job. Which means you have full visibility on the status of the job as it progresses.
Handle POs and Invoices Easily
Booking a job through the sub-contractor portal will automatically raise a PO for finance, meaning you can keep close track of the jobs you are allocating to your contractors and the jobs you are being billed for. What’s more, an invoice will automatically be drafted with job notes ready for you to send to your customer.